2003 Marconi Foundation Proxy Races

 Class B Entry Form

1/ Your Personal Information


First Name: Last Name:   

Address:  City:

State or Country:   Postal Code:  

E-mail Address: Website:


2/ car(s) you wish to enter


Car Name:   Model year:  

Chassis: Motor:


Please provide any additional comments, details or information below


3/ submit you entry fee/donation to the Marconi Foundation for Kids

First car fee: $25.00. Additional cars: $20.00 each. Add $6.95 for return postage in the USA. Inquire for return postage to other countries. Larger tax-deductible donations are welcome, search your wallet and your heart.

Payment form:  Credit Card (MasterCardor Visa only):  or :

                                                                                    For PayPal, use info@electric-dreams.com 

Card Number: Type with no space between numbers.

    Exp. Date: Month (00)  Year (00)

S&H Return Charges will be charged to your credit card at cost.


Push "Send" button below. You may get several messages depending on your browser. Please ignore the contents of the messages, as the information submitted IS encrypted,  and push "send" or "OK" after each message. The form will still appear after the last message received and the message is actually sent.