1966 Ford J - IFC * REPRODUCTION * C9

Last updated on February 3, 2025

* Actual model *

Chassis:Estrela in line IF (*)
Motor:16D REB Oxford Chromed
Color:YellowNumber:3Year made: 60's

The body of this car is actually a Strombecker body with the interior modified as an Estrela. Since the molds were the same, and the Estrela body is very hard to find, this one was built as an example.

(*) Chassis convention:
P = Plastic, A = Aluminum, CA = Cast Aluminum,
B = Brass, M = Magnesium, NP = Nickel Plated , R = Resin, W = Wood,
T = Tin, S = Steel, AA = Anodised Aluminum, C - Circuit board
TJ = 'Tjet' vertical motor shaft, IF = ISO-Fulcrum, V = Vibrator

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Build 1052